More in Robotics & AI (127)

| Dealing with unexpected events – for the soccer and care robots of the Technical University Eindhoven is nearly a given: indeed, you never c...

| At the end of the robotics course at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in the Netherlands, the best projects are presented and...

| A new Raspberry Pi extension module called Talking Pi, manufactured by Joy-it and marketed by Conrad Business Supplies, serves as an extensi...

| At the University of Colorado in Boulder (US) a group of researchers is working on the next generation of robots. Instead of the metallic dr...

| The Bird Control Group based in The Netherlands has developed a new type of scarecrow called the Agrilaser which uses laser beams to spook b...

| Already for more than 10 years, researchers from Harvard University have developed autonomous flying microrobots for use in, among other thi...

| To Western eyes this kickstarter project ticks just about every box in the quirky design checklist for new products from the land of the sam...

| One new invention that could only have originated in Japan (home to Godzilla) was unveiled recently. This is a new home-help in the shape of...

| Target tracking and movement prediction is something humans do without thinking but to make a computer achieve the same results requires a l...

| With AIY Projects, Google claims, Makers can use artificial intelligence to make human-to-machine interaction more like human-to-human inter...