More in Robotics & AI (127)

| A kit of parts for making a robot and experimenting with the Brainbox AVR educational board is available in the Elektor Store. Also suitable...

| Bats are admired by electronics buffs for their aptitude at ultrasonic echo location. This nocturnal chiroptera also arouses interest with...

| A fun new online interactive musical experience between humans and computer gives us a good example of machine learning. The experimental g...

| What a contrasting show, in these beginning months of 2017, between intelligence and stupidity competing in the world! What parallel progres...

| The weak point of robots is their legendary lack of expression. Without being a blundering clown, the Peeqo robot is an articulate, engagin...

| Frustrated with a computer controlled tabletop loom “that looked kind of fun to work with” but whose Java software failed to identify itself...

| Zooids is an open-source open-hardware platform for developing tabletop Swarm User Interfaces, a new class of human-computer interfaces comp...

| SmartTokens are small-sized tangible tokens that can sense multiple types of motion, multiple types of touch/grip, and send input events wir...

| The four legged AllBot is a modular robot system with open source soft and hardware using Arduino compatible robot shields. Build and enhanc...

| Summer is the best season for the observation of insects and other creepy-crawlies; one has to admire their tenacity, their ingenuity, their...