More in Automotive (177)

| Designers encountering challenges with testing equipment via the OBD vehicle diagnostic port often face limitations. The MiniSim OBD simulat...

| A Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) is a type of vehicle that relies on software and digital technologies to control and operate various functi...

| The CAN Bus Companion book details the use of the Arduino Uno and the Raspberry Pi 4 in practical CAN bus based projects. Using either the A...

| Many motorists have used a parking disk. This project presents a digital version based on an e-Paper display. The design has special feature...

| Wireless data transmission enables many applications (e.g., in the field of home automation). However, the communication must be robust and...

| Bikers wearing gloves know how difficult it is to press a tiny pushbutton on a small remote control tucked away in one of your pockets (whic...

| This is a submission from Microchip on its CryptoAutomotive™ security IC, the TrustAnchor100. The cryptographic companion device supports in...

| This is a submission from Microchip on its newly-qualified 700 and 1200V SiC Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD) power devices.

| This is a submission from Keysight on their new radar multi-target simulator and advanced automotive ethernet solutions.

| This is a submission from Lattice Semiconductor on the new versions of its MachXO3LF™ FPGAs for flexible deployment of robust automotive con...