Development Tools
The ATECC608A can be paired with any microcontroller and microprocessor. For rapid prototyping of secure solutions, designers can use the Trust Platform Design Suite, which includes:
•           A guided “use case tool”
•           Executable Python tutorials running on Jupyter notebooks
•           C code examples for each use case
•           A “secret exchange” utility
•           The Trust Platform hardware development kits
Pricing and Availability
Devices in Microchip’s Trust Platform are available in volume production today with the following minimum order quantities (MOQ):
•           Trust&GO for TLS (ATECC608A-TNGTLSx-B): $1.20 with a MOQ of 10 units*
•           Trust&GO for TLS (ATECC608A-TNGTLSx-G): $0.77 with a MOQ of 2000 units*
•           Trust&GO for LoRaWAN (The Things Industries ATECC608A-TNGLORAx-B and Actility ATECC608A-TNGACTU-B): $1.40 with a MOQ of 10 units*
•           TrustFLEX for LoRaWAN any join servers (ATECC608A-TFLXLORAx): $0.938 with a MOQ of 2000 units*
•           TrustFLEX (ATECC608A-TFLXTLSx): $0.845 with a MOQ of 2,000 units*
•           TrustCUSTOM (ATECC608A-TCSTMx): $0.883 with a MOQ of 4,000 units*
*uDFN (x = U) or SO8 (x = S)
Development tools in Microchip’s Trust Platform are available at:
•           CryptoAuth Trust Platform kit: $13
•           ATECC608a Trust Platform kit: $14

For additional information and to purchase products mentioned here, visit Microchip’s purchasing portal or contact a Microchip authorized distributor.