Webinar: Linux Graphics Using the Ensemble Graphics Toolkit (EGT)

Microchip University provides you with the opportunity to learn more about general embedded control topics as well as Microchip, Atmel and Microsemi products. One of the courses Microchip University is offering is ‘Linux Graphics using the Ensemble Graphics Toolkit’. In this webinar, Darren Wenn (Microchip) will guide you through the course.
Use EGT to Create Compelling User Interfaces
The Ensemble Graphics Toolkit (EGT) is a C++-based toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUI) for Microchip microprocessors running the Linux operating system. In the course, you will learn about the structure of the graphics toolkit and how you can use it to create simple graphical applications. Executing both on a host PC and an embedded target, you will explore the rich widget and multimedia capabilities of EGT to create your own compelling user interfaces.
During development, the Eclipse IDE will be used to speed the process and allow debug of a remote target. A powerful feature of EGT is the ability to import and use scalable vector graphics as the framework for a GUI, and the Inkscape tool will be used to create a GUI for use with EGT.
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