More in Root (264)

| The aim of Elektor is to supply innovative information to professionals looking for education, entertainment and inspiration in the field of...


| This webinar is about designing and testing of analog circuitry with the aid of National Instruments’ LabVIEW, a myDAQ and a configurable op...


| We want to live in a world where people are aware of the environment, where we actively reduce the amount of single-use plastic waste, and w...


| A guitar input module for easy breadboarding. This project spun of from the CoCo-ri-Co guitar tuner.

by anto

| My wife is a teacher. She needed a system to run the games she organizes in class. These games are question-and-answer quizzes; the system h...


| This is a support page for the Elektor October 2015 article about the MLX90393 Triaxis Micropower Magnetometer from Melexis.Buy it here.


| Design and text by Theodorou Gerasimos (Greece) A few years ago I needed a frequency generator for my laboratory. I had worked on some expen...


| Back in 1997 Elektor made a LED Christmas ball with 32 LEDs which were driven by a P87c51 MCU. The project is pretty simple. The MCU drives...


| This project is a BoB (Break-out board) used to communicate (with a SIMcard) on the GSM network.The project works with the M95 module from Q...


| By Willem den Hollander(original text) Most microprocessors have implemented a so-called Watchdog function. A counter continuously counts do...