More in Computer & Internet (373)

| <p>The Legion intelligent USB charge monitoring device from PLX Devices Inc fits between your phone or tablet and charger to monitor the cha...

| <p>This week FTDI Chip have announced a range of Arduino-compatible development platforms supporting the company’s Embedded Video Engine (EV...

| <p>In a recent press release NI have announced that its LabVIEW design software is now fully compatible with the latest LEGO Mindstorms EV3...

| David Hunt built himself a working mobile phone using a Raspberry Pi and off-the-shelf components. The main building parts are the $35 Adafr...

| <p>Unless you use radio communication links, developers using the Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black will sooner or later need to hook up cont...

| Since its introduction around two years ago we have seen a few competitor boards to the Raspberry Pi concept but nothing claiming to be a cl...

| <p>In a time when the Internet of Things is commonplace will all our Smartphones just be stuffed with apps from diverse manufacturers to con...

| NETmundial is a major conference on Internet governance organized by Brazil and NET1 which took place April 23–24. Representatives of govern...

| <p>The Nucleo series of development boards from STMicroelectronics are mbed compatible giving an ARM development environment with headers to...

| <p>It’s been a few weeks now since a crowd funding campaign launched by Open Source RF in California came to an end but they must still be f...