More in Internet of Things (183)

| Fujitsu’s new MBH7BLZ07 Bluetooth Smart module is approximately 50% smaller than its previous model, the MBH7BLZ02. The package measuring 11...

| Over the past months Google has been busy downsizing its Android operating system (OS) to make it suitable for the Internet of Things (IoT)....

| This project is a remake of the 120718 WiFi controller board. With this board you can control a ledstrip and 8 IO pins via an apdroid app or...

| During World War II the Dutch resistance set fire to the Amsterdam municipal register to destroy the personal records of the city's inhabita...

| Not consumers, not users but citizens will inhabit smart cities, said author and futurist Ben Hammersley at the NXP panel discussion on Urba...

| The MESH DIY kit makes it easy to turn ordinary objects into connected devices. Real easy. With its drag-and-drop interface MESH is not a to...

| is an open platform for collecting sensor data generated by the Internet of Things. The company helps people share their data...

| Behind a crowdfunding campaign for an Arduino GUI design platform emerges the ambition of Australian startup Xped to build a truly universal...

| The development kit of SAM Labs makes working on IoT projects accessible to anyone. At the same time it can serve as a rapid prototyping too...

| The creators of the Intoino maker kit want to democratize electronics and the Internet of Things. They've developed a range of DIY kits whic...