More in Education & Information (545)

| Researchers at Tohoku University and Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization have developed a new complex, superionic hydride...

| This is a submission from Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH’s about their booth at this year’s PCIM trade show in Nuremberg from May 7...

| The 737 family of jets have been hugely successful since their introduction back in 1967 but the tragic loss of two of the latest MAX 8 vari...

| One of the domains where DIY electronics continues to be interesting is test and measurement. An application that only exclusively deals wit...

| Researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio have developed an automated low-cost illumination system for highway stop signs. Motor...

| Spectrometers — instruments that can separate the various wavelengths of light and are used to determine the chemical composition of all sor...

| A newly developed handheld medical diagnostic tool called the SniffPhone, analyses exhaled breath and is able to detect early signs of gastr...

| A team of researchers from China and the UK has developed a low-cost, easy-to-make Kevlar film that could be used to hide military hardware...

| Researchers from the Leiden University Medical Centre and the TU Delft have found a way to reset a racing heart automatically using an impla...

| A miniature jail for photons: that is the nanocavity that researchers from the University of Twente have discovered. It is an extremely smal...