More in Education & Information (545)

| The Ringo is an educational DIY mobile phone that you can use to make “real” calls. It is typical Elektor: build, learn, and have fun! Check...

| One of the courses provided by Microchip University is about rapid prototyping Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) apps for Android by using MIT App...

| Join Microchip and Elektor for the webinar, "Rapid Prototyping Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Android Apps using MIT App Inventor." Learn about...

| This circuit is designed to be used when an application requires a greater degree of electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection than that prov...

| This series has introduced the basics of programming in Assembler and the hardware fundamentals of the PIC controller. Now we cover how to g...

| This PIC Assembler Crash Course covers the process of making a home-brew mini development board and learning Assembler commands. For the dem...

| The analysis and interpretation of data that originates from our surroundings and environment is a topic of increasing interest. Such data i...

| If your credit card recently expired or died from overshopping, you now have an excellent opportunity to take it apart and have a look at wh...

| The BBC micro:bit Electronic Adventure Kit has an original, solderless approach of connecting electronic components and building circuits.

| Developing cell phones and other communication hardware was once a task that overwhelmed companies of all sizes. Fortunately, the Ringo kit...